Q: When is it necessary to use X-ACT Bore Paste?
A: X-ACT Bore Paste is designed for extreme cleaning and the removal of stubborn fouling that cannot be removed with traditional bore cleaners. Anything from burned-on and glazed carbon, caked-in residues, stubborn copper jacket fouling, plastic wads, moly, and lead traces will be removed from the barrel.
Q: Can I use X-ACT Bore Paste with a solvent and or a lubricant?
A: Yes, you can use X-ACT Bore paste in conjunction with any of the Veldt Marksman Bore Cleaner ranges- it all depends on the type of fouling you would like to address inside your barrel.
X-ACT Bore Paste works extremely well in conjunction with P51 Penetrating Oil as well as Veldt Marksman Co-G Multi-purpose Oil.
For example:
Extreme Carbon Fouling= CarbonAttack + Bore Paste (used together on a patch) + after clean use a final patch with Co-G Oil
Q: Will X-ACT Bore Paste scratch the inside my barrel?
A: No, X-ACT Bore Paste, on the Mohs scale, is much lower than steel, therefore X-ACT Bore Paste will only remove the fouling present on top of the steel, for example, heavy baked on copper and or carbon, and X-ACT will not damage the grooves or landings or coatings present in your barrel.
Q: Is X-ACT Bore Paste compatible will all barrels for example Stainless Steel and or Mild Steel Barrels?
A: Yes, X-ACT Bore Paste can be used on all barrel types and will not damage the inside of the barrel. X-ACT Bore Paste is a non-corrosive, non-embedding cleaner.
Q: How often can I use X-ACT Bore Paste?
A: As often as required- usually applied and used mainly for stubborn fouling for example Carbon Rings etc.
Q: Does X-ACT Bore Paste remove lead and or copper?
A: Yes, X-ACT Bore Paste was specifically designed for this application. It also removes lead, moly, plastic wads, and burned-on and or caked-in residues.
Q: Will X-ACT Bore Paste remove coated bullet fouling?
A: Yes, most likely. Depending on the type of coating-use the Bore Paste in conjunction with one of the applicable Veldt Marksman Bore Cleaners.